Canopus NZ

Solutions that shine

Basic git flow with Hugo

This is a basic Git and Hugo flow, arguably there is always the discussion on the use of git pull rather than fetch and merge. However lets keep it straight forward. Ensure you are in the correct directory in Terminal within Visual Studio Code Run ‘git pull’ to refresh local repository Add new content either by adding the file in the Content/Post directory or via Hugo. Images go in the static/img directory (tidy up file names and filesizes).

Introducing Moodle 4.x

Moodle 4.x is a long awaited release that increases usability for teachers and students. The menu simplification can be a little disorientating to anyone familiar with previous versions. Thankfully have a good series of help guides to orientate yourself with the new features.

Microsoft Teams Reflect

Microsoft has started deploying an exciting new feature to M365 for Education. Reflect is as the name suggests a self-reflection feature now built into MS Teams. Reflect is now front and centre as a tab in MS Teams. The purpose of the feature is to create a moment for a student to pause and reflect on their current emotion and over time increasing their emotional vocabulary and awareness of their peers.

New in Google August 2022

Google has announced additional connectivity to 3rd party education apps and platforms. The growth in both core features within Google and additional connectivity really enhances the Student experience. Each time a student has to move from one platform to another the overhead of dealing with forgotten logins and other confusions interrupts the learning experience. The additional connectivity provided by Google provides a seamless ‘click-through’ experience for students, a big win for the busy educator.

Lean Change Management Jason Little

Jason’s target audience for Lean Change Management are people passionate about bringing meaningful change into their organisations. Though focussed on change created by Agile practices, ‘change is change’. Lean Change Management uses a feedback based approach to refine Change Management, having holding an Agile approach to managing change. Jason introduces us to the concept of change models using the Satir change Model, he reflects on a conference experience in which attendees take each of the five roles in protecting the Star (an attendee selected to be the control item)